Chinese Garter

How to play this game?

Chinese Garter, a game requiring flexibility, balance and coordination, is a popular game for Filipino children, most specifically among girls during their elementary years. The game revolves around an ordinary garter, around two to three yards long, which be brought from sewing store at around twenty pesos or less.

This is how the game played. First, there should be two people holding both ends of the garter which is stretched horizontally while others are trying to transfer across the other side of the garter. The main goal of this game is to across over the garter without being tripped. In each round, the height of the garter increases. The garter generally starts from the ankle – level and then knee – level, and so on until the garter is positioned over head. Higher rounds demand agility since players leap with their feet first in the air and they cross over the garter and end up landing on the side. This means that players should be agile, mentally skilled and must have grace in order to finish the game. Moreover, doing cartwheels (to cross the garter) in higher levels is allowed.

I chosed this game to be internationa because it signifies my childhood it helped me remember all things that made my childhood be a memorable one.

Larong Pinoy [Web log post]. Retrieved June 21,2015 , from

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